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Preserved fruit dryer

Posted at: 2016 / 12 / 03 by: Admin views:

Preserved fruit dryer

        The preserved fruit, also called candy, is made from peach, apricot, plum, jujube, palm date or other fruits, pickled with sugar or honey. The dried preserved fruit is bright and transparent, its surface is dry but some with sticky, and its water content is below 20%.
        The preserved fruits are a lot, and the famous traditional preserved fruits are preserved apple, preserved tamarind pulp, preserved aricot, pear pulp, preserved peach, dried green plum, hawthorn slices, etc.

Preserved fruit dryer

        The preserved fruit dryer, designed by Gongyi Lantian Machanical Plant, is make use of the heat absorbed from outside air and then transfer the heat to chamber to improve the temperature of chamber to dryer the fruits. Our preserved fruit drying machine is composed of compressor, heat exchanger, flow controller and heat absorber.

Preserved fruit dryer

The process for drying fruits:
        Heating process: in the process of drying fruits, the fruit dryer machine will heat the chamber circularly. And when the chamber temperature reach the set value, the industrial fruit drying equipment will stop heating. And when the temperature is lower than the set value, the dryer will start to heat again.
        The process of hydrofuging: according to the humidity of chamber, the system automatically control the hydrofuging. For example, the humidity controling instrument is set to 50%, and the hydrofuging time is set to 15 minutes, the hydrofuging fan will start to work for 1 minute. Every 15 minutes, the fan will start to do the work if the humidity is more than 50%, till the humidity meet the requirement.

        1. Automatic PLC controlling system.
        2. High controlling precision of temperature and humidity.
        3. Low energy consumption, and low operation cost.
        4. Safe, no overheating or burning dangerous when drying process.
        5. Draining moisture evenly.
        6. Widely application and not affected by weather.
        7. Long lifetime and low maintenance cost.
        8. Environmental protection.

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