E-mail: Alisa@lantianmachine.com
Posted at: 2016 / 12 / 03 by: Admin views:
Lupulus is a kind of perennial herb trailing plant. The ripe lupulus, after drying process, can be packed with full dried lupulus or crushed lupulus. So in the process of lupulus, the drying is very important. Now we introduce our lupulus dryer.
The advantages
The lupulus drying machine of Gongyi Lantian Machanical Plant belongs to high temperature electric dryer, through using compressor to improve temperature (adjustable temperature: 5-90℃, and adjustable humidity: 5-95%). Our this lupulus dryer is no need burning coal, wood, charcoal, gas, etc, just need a small amount of electrical energy to drive the compressor to obtain the required high temperature hot air. Also, our lupulus dryer is of automatic work, safty, environmental protection, non pollution, no wastes emission and low power consumption, which is a better solution for drying fruits, vegetables, or other materials.
Model selection:
1. 3P hops drying machine can adapt about 15 CBM chamber, and it will consume 3 degree electric power per hour.
2. 6P hops drying equipmentr can adapt 25 CBM drying chamber, and it will consume 6 degrees electric power per hour.
3. 10P hops dryer can adapt 40 CBM drying chamber, and it will consume 12 degrees electric power per hour.
The using experience:
The fresh hops or lupulus has 70-80% water content, and the target final water content should be around 8-12%. The standard drying temperature should be below 50℃, but because the drying efficiency is low under this temperature, we advice to use 60-65℃ to dry the lupulus/hops, and the temperature mustn’t be over 70℃. The resin of lupulus will occur a series of chemical reactions at high temperature, and this will not only cause its color and lustre poor, also will cause the effective ingredients lose. And the drying time should be controlled within 4-5 hours.
If you are interested in our products , please send inquiry to our email:Alisa@lantianmachine.com
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